A Brief History of YWAC

Long before WNAC organized, Free Will Baptist women were actively involved in training young people. In 1908, Little Workers’ League was organized for children under age 12. The General Conference organized the Free Will Baptist League to educate and inspire youth in 1920. Two years later, Little Workers’ League was approved as the primary department of the League. In 1929, a day of prayer was set aside to “pray for Christian leaders from among our young people” (Sparks Into Flame, page 85).

After the organization of WNAC in 1935, this interest grew. One of the duties of the second vice-president was to suggest program materials and projects for young people. These projects included purchasing books for the Welch Library, audio-visual equipment, and bikes and medical supplies for missionary children. By 1947, there was “enough interest among the young people for the establishment of separate, definite organizations for them under the direction of WNAC” (ibid, page 86). Younger girls were called Go-Tells, and as the program expanded, boys were also welcomed into these youth organizations.

A recommendation came from the WNAC Executive Committee in 1952 that vice-president Cleo Pursell officially became the youth auxiliary chairman. She organized speech, drama, and essay contests, and youth auxiliaries began to host an exhibit at the 1954 national convention.

Manuals were developed for GTAs (Go-Tell Auxiliaries) and the YPAs (Young People’s Auxiliaries). Each auxiliary organization had its own emblem, watchword, hymn, colors, motto, and goals.

In 1964, responsibility for denominational youth work moved from WNAC to the National Association and Church Training Service (CTS) with full favor of the Executive Committee. “We believe our women will take their rightful place as helpmeets to cooperate in the local church and with the National Association of Free Will Baptists” (ibid, page 95).

The merger did not end WNAC concern for young people. The Memorial Student Loan Fund was established in 1957 to assist young ladies studying at Welch College (then Free Will Baptist Bible College). The name later changed to the Dr. Mary R. Wisehart Student Scholarship Fund and extended to young women studying at all continental Free Will Baptist colleges. In 1981, the Cleo Pursell Foreign Student Scholarship Fund was established to help young people training in Bible institutes around the world. Then in 2015, the Miley International Scholarship Fund was established to assist young people from our mission fields and partnerships who come to the U.S. for their education.

With the approval of the CTS board, WNAC began publishing materials for Actionettes in 1974. In 1993, this group became known as YWAC, Young Women Active For Christ. Today, the work of YWAC continues through local groups, scholarships, and events such as Shine! to help today’s Christian girls find biblical solutions for living in a difficult culture.